I love my square but the buttons have always annoyed me, I don’t want to use my fingernails anymore. I totally get why they’re recessed but it’s beyond reasonable and far from user friendly.
I’ve been thinking about how to improve my user experience and I’ve come up with 3 ideas. This is the first one, a 3D printed cap as a prototype over the button. The bezel button holes were enlarged to allow them to fit. It may not be to everyones taste but it works.
The second idea was to just sand away a larger cutout around the button to allow for a easier press with the finger instead of the nail. I did that after I tested the button caps and it actually works really well. I’m waiting for another bezel to try it again without widening the hole first. Using the right Dremel bit should yield a fairly clean finish but I’m not but fussed about a bit of a rough look anyway.
The third idea is to make longer buttons. I’ve looked at getting a watchmakers lathe on the past and this just might be the excuse that tips me over the edge. It may be cheaper to get the lathe rather than pay a machinist to do the job. I tested this by cutting 3 stainless steel circles this morning and glueing them onto one of the buttons. 3 of them extended the button by 1.5mm and that was plenty to allow for really easy use while keeping them safe from accidental presses. Seriously though, they’re not easy to press so just make them longer from factory Casio!!!